Saturday, August 22, 2009

Beth, Can pigs ride bikes?

Last night while I was taking my babysitting kids on a walk, one asked me this. This question stemmed from watching Charlotte's Web. The questions kids think of, its not why did Charlotte have to die or any other possible thought provoking question but "Can pigs ride bikes?". We live in pig country--there are actually more pigs in our county per capita than people. (ok i really don't know what that pharse means except this pigs>people) The twins should know a thing or two about pigs and that they can ride bikes. I told them No that pigs and not ride bikes because they are made differently than people which brought about the statement--"But pigs have feet to pedal with."

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

School Daze

It's almost here the begining of school again. In fact only 6 more days--not that I'm counting down or anything. :) I am really excited this year. I will make it be a good school year keeping up with my classes and balancing time with the girls. I am half way done with college I can't believe time has gone so fast. What have I learned in the past two years of college?
  1. Dont get behind-- you can not catch up
  2. Get enough sleep--this will help you do well in your classes
  3. Get friends--they can give you a break from homework and can also be helpful with homework
  4. Try new things--this will expand your horizons and create memories.